The EMCA board is comprised of volunteers from East Muskingum Township, our Devola community. The mission of the EMCA is to strengthen our community’s health, family and recreation through the use of the swimming pool, basketball courts, baseball fields, tennis court and playground, and to provide long-term planning of our community’s facilities to ensure our recreational opportunities are here for us in the future. It is a volunteer organization that maintains these structures, as well as provides community events such as Devola Community Day, Halloween parties, Easter Egg hunts and Family Campouts. Anyone can be a volunteer, on an ongoing basis, or even for just a particular event or program. The EMCA operates by fundraising and donations as well as pool operations including memberships, concessions and daily admissions.
The EMCA Board meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Putnam Community Water Building or at the pool (weather permitting) at 7:00pm.
Everyone is welcome! We are always looking for new ideas, community feedback and volunteers!